You might know what it’s like. To be so passionate and so inspired by your hobby that it becomes an inseparable part of who you are.
For us, it was water sports.
After facing challenges, falling, and then getting back up, we were lucky enough to turn this passion... into Coverhood.

We founded this company as a group of three friends with a passion for water sports. With the wind blowing and water crashing all around, we felt weightless.
It was amazing. Those moments on the board were easily the best part of the week.
Unlike the moments right after.
Where you are shivering half-naked with people zooming all around you.
Where you are having trouble finding a comfortable place to get changed.
Where you have to fetch your wallet or phone from a bag full of damp towels.
That’s where you are not feeling free. Or weightless.
We had to solve a problem – how to make the least enjoyable part of water sports as pleasant as possible? And the options on the market simply did not cut it.
We got to the drawing board, looked at all existing products, and tried to make something a little better.
It took a massive amount of prototyping, testing, sewing, and resewing. It was a great challenge. But in November 2017, we finally had it.

We made Coverhood – a versatile surf poncho, quick-drying towel, and a soft and durable hoodie all in one. But the story does not end with a poncho. This is not the end, but merely the first stop in a long journey.

We are moving forward towards making our products fully sustainable, so we can help not only the people, but the planet as well. And there are already whiteboards upon whiteboards of future plans for upcoming products, suitable for both sports and leisure. Like a beginner surfer, we are about to make a splash.

If you want to keep up with the journey, follow us on social media!